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Does Wally Stick to Cases?

Yes, he can! While we intentionally skipped the case to make Wally the slimmest solution imaginable, he also grabs tightly to most cases. 

Hardshell cases and slick TPU are a great match for Wally. These top cases from the Apple Store pass the Wally Stick-On test: Incase Snap Case, Speck CandyShell, Otterbox Symmetry, Adopted Lens Case, Tech21 Impact Mesh, Uncommon, Kate Spade, Rifle Paper and other fashionable cases.

We don't recommend sticking Wally to:
- wood
- leather or fabric
- textured cases 
- rounded bodies or edges (like battery cases)
- squishy, cheap silicone 

CLICK to enlarge our Case Pict-o-Guide:

We do also offer an all-in-one solution, named of course Wally Case :)
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