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Do you offer RFID shielding?

Yes, we offer most of our wallets in both RFID-shielded and non-shielded options.

As RFID-blocking wallets gain popularity, we recognize the peace of mind that they offer. Non-RFID shielding allows for seamless use of tap-to-pay or NFC cards (subway, work key cards, etc). We have designed an unshielded pocket in our RFID-shielded wallets so you can continue enjoying tap-and-go convenience without having to remove these common cards.

After careful research into the topic, no cases of theft via RFID-skimming have been reported—which is why we agree with this report from Slate

1.) Most card companies protect you against fraudulent charges.

2.) There are better ways to protect yourself against actual fraud.

To learn ways to truly protect yourself against fraud, here's a quick and helpful read: RFID: To Block, or Not To Block. 

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